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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

(Image, courtesy of Kate Bousfield's website.)

I’ve generally avoided the opportunity to read other bloggers’ books when asked to do so – you know, what happens if you don’t like the book… And then they ask you what you thought of it… I'm not generally known for my tact... You want straight answers, that’s fine, you want me to mince my words and tell you something is wonderful when I think it's rubbish, sorry, just not my style. In fact, a colleague once said I had the tact of a Sherman tank on a 90 degree incline. Now you know…

But all that said, I’ve just read a book by a fellow blogger and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. I had a sneaky suspicion I might which is why I was willing to give it a go…

Kate Bousfield’s book Coven of One was published last year by a small independent publisher, and is a delight, what I call "a jolly good romping read". I read so many books and know there are so many badly written books out there that if book doesn’t grab me in the first couple of pages then I leave it, there are too many books in the world that I want to read and not enough time to read them all. Bad reads don't get a second chance.

But Kate’s debut novel grabbed me in the first paragraph – and held me right to the end. Perhaps it was the subject matter – paganism and witchcraft – perhaps it was the story, good vs evil and coming of age – perhaps it was the talking cat, the humour and the colour – perhaps it was the characterization or the bit of romance. Perhaps it was the magic or the vivid descriptions of place. Most likely it was a combination of everything – because Kate has it all in Coven of One.

Coven of One is a light, easy read but there is a gentle message woven through the story too. Dorcas Fleming is a simple hedgewitch – or so she thinks, newly sent out into the world. Only Dorcas’ first posting takes her to the heathen Southern lands where witchcraft is outlawed – and yet, one small village has asked for a witch... Why, Dorcas wonders, do they want her? Little does Dorcas know what awaits her both in terms of winning over the Southerners and growing into her own powers - for Dorcas’ journey is one of personal growth and self realization. Dorcas Fleming may just be more than a simple hedgewitch…

With a vivid cast of colourful characters and imaginative blend of magic and reality, Coven of One provides a unique insight into the world of paganism and witchcraft through a story which contains humour, love and adventure. We all enjoy a bit of escapism and fantasy – and Coven of One offers that in abundance. Moreover, it is a story which will appeal to adults and young adults alike.

If I have any criticism of the book it is that the editing could have been a little tighter and likewise the proof-checking process. But these are minor irritations (to a very fussy reader) and don't detract from the overall reading pleasure. Yes, the story and the characters are that strong that you are simply swept along and held enthralled. Perhaps the magic goes beyond just the pages of the book... So... expect yourself to be bewitched.

Coven of One is Kate’s first book and I have a strong sense that whatever follows, for I believe there is to be sequel, will be even better. I very much look forward to reading it.

So come on, Minx, hurry up and bring it on!

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