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Friday, December 14, 2007

Bernita's Weirdly Contest - A Short Story

I discovered yesterday - nothing like leaving things to the last minute - that Bernita, over at An Innocent A-Blog, was hosting a short story competition which closes at midnight EST tonight and is entitled the Weirdly Contest. The rules can be found here, should you wish to create a piece in haste.

I have to confess that the muse has been scarce of late and while the image posted on Bernita's blog inspired what follows, the scribbling had plenty to do with participation and pretty much nothing to do with winning. Like those good people always say, it's the taking part that counts and it really is pretty cool being part of such a wide and various group of writers.

So, let us start with the image upon which the competition has been based...

(Photo from the Fortean Photo Library)

And herewith the story... Those who recall my involvement in trying to save the local plantations and forests may perhaps get where this story springs from...

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum* aka The Dryad's Revenge

The far lookout beckoned. Commander Jisprit moved towards him.
"What is it?"
"Men - advancing upon the kingdom."
"Yes, in armoured horses."
Jisprit turned to gaze first at the palace, towering high into the sky, sunlight filtering through its windows. Then he cast his eyes upon the forest and the other cities in the Realm.
"Ready the warriors," he ordered.
"Yes, my lord."
Jisprit watched as messengers sped along the branching pathways of the Imperial City. Flight heralds soared above him to pass on the alert.
A glint of light caught his eye and turning, he saw his queen observing him from the tall turret.
He flexed his wings and rose up.
"My Lady," he said, bowing low.
"Trouble, Jisprit?"
"Men, My Lady, in armoured horses."
"They will sport with us or…?"
"Who knows, My Lady, but we cannot take chances. They have decimated the kingdom too often before."
The queen nodded, her face thoughtful. "They think not, these giant brutes. They see not. What is ours they believe to be theirs. You are right, we must be on our guard. Too often do they despoil and destroy the Realm." She paused a moment. "No, wait… let us be pre-emptive, Jisprit. For a change we will strike first."
"My Lady?"
"They destroy us and we let them. It is time to stop their constant advance. Call upon the Elementals, let their lightning strike the men as those plunderers have always struck us. It is time for change."

* In case you're wondering what Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum means, it is "If you wish for peace, prepare for war".

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