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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Bloggaversary etc

Happy Bloggaversary to Vanilla,

Happy Bloggaversary to Vanilla,

Happy Bloggaversary, dear Vanillaaaaaa!

Happy Bloggaversary, Vanilla.

Hip, hop, hip, hop hooray!

Yep, despite being on a blogging hiatus, Absolute Vanilla is one year old today. Atyllah the Hen, bless her little yellow legs, was two on Wednesday. All these bloggaversaries, and here I am not even blogging!

A huge thanks must go to Sameera for remembering it was Vanilla’s bloggaversary! Thank you, dear, you are such a sweetie!

And lest I forget - Happy Independence Day to all Americans. And Happy Birthday to my mother!

As for life on blogging hiatus, well, let’s just say it’s winter, the rain is piddling down, it’s gloomy and grey and all good and sensible bears should be hibernating. However the Vanilla Bear is busy editing, rewriting, critiquing, reading, cooking, drinking vast vats of cocoa, and making plans to escape the insanity into which this benighted country is rapidly plummeting.

But enough of that.

I’m not sure when I’ll get back to regular blogging and when I do, there may be a few changes. They do say a change is as good as a holiday, don’t they, and I’m all for holidays. Bring ‘em on!

Meanwhile, hope you’re all well and having fun!

Take care, soar high and may the force be with you! :-)

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