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Thursday, August 7, 2008

08:08 08-08-08

08:08 08-08-08

So today is 08-08-08… Normally I wouldn’t bother noticing – I certainly managed to miss 07-07-07 and 06-06-06 etc, but something about 08 has got to me during the course of this week. Call me a flakey old bat, but I’ve been sensing an energy with which I’m not familiar and which seems really powerful. Moreover, I’ve had numbers swirling around in my head for the past few nights – and I don’t do numbers. Eek!

If I take all the eights – 08h08 on 08-08-08 I find I get 4 (sums reduced constantly down to a single digit). Then I ran a serious of other simple calculations and discovered that 8 run through the multiplication table gives me 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4, and so on, endlessly repeating, continually cycling. I got a bit dizzy at that point and finally I thought I’d better sleep on it. And what happened, I started seeing symbols.

First the eight (8), then the eight lying on its side – the infinity symbol ()
Then the 8 and interlinked, so that it looked like a four leaf clover.
Then a zero (0) – and another zero (0) – symbols for nothing - then two zeroes (00) interlinked – the atom symbol.

Then I saw a circle – which has multiple symbolic meanings including all, eternity, all time – and is often considered to be feminine.
Then I saw a square – which is often symbolic of the masculine and of Earth - where a circle might represent the Moon.
Then I saw, rather obviously, I suppose, an octagon.

Then I started seeing the infinity () and eight (8) together in a circle ()
Then the atom symbol also in a circle ()

I mostly bypassed looking up the symbolism on all the numbers – it was all getting a bit much! But I can tell you though that 8 is evidently symbolic of renewal and manifestation – though manifestation of what, I don’t know…

At which point I may as well mention that someone on the great interwebby thing has remarked upon the relation between the concept of zero (0) and infinity (), alpha and omega, and beginning/end and how they are both contained within each other (implying they are the same thing).

Alpha and Omega – the Beginning and the End… Erm…
I was starting to think I was either losing the plot big-time, or something hugely significant was going to happen on 08-08-08….

Then I remembered that the Large Hadron Collider was supposed to be switched on to begin its first tests on 08-08-08 – oh shiver… (though I see the big launch has now been delayed until October, only small initial tests will be run this weekend.) The LHC, built into a mountain which spans the Swiss French border, is a particle accelerator which will enable physicists to
“accelerate beams of protons in opposite directions – each along its own nearly 17-mile circular path – to nearly the speed of light. Then, they will steer the hair-thin beams of protons into head-on collisions. From the subatomic mayhem that ensues, physicists say they anticipate discoveries that will fill out the picture they have drawn during the past century of matter and the basic forces of nature – the so-called standard model. They also expect to see evidence of new physics beyond the standard model, including insights into the nature of dark matter and dark energy, which make up the vast majority of the energy and matter in the universe.”

Now several people have termed the LHC the “Doomsday Machine” saying
that high energy collisions may result in the birth of miniature black holes which will swallow the whole planet. A case was brought which sought to delay the launch but was closed after the Safety Study Commission reported that there is no danger related to the production of new particles. Hmmm….

So, see, there’s a good reason to be feeling twitchy – never mind all those eights, zeroes, infinity symbols and whatnot. I mean really, do these scientists ever really know exactly what they’re meddling with – Atyllah would mutter a resounding “No” (followed by a rude “ba-kaak!”) and tell you they’re like kids with really expensive toys, or wannabe sorcerer's apprentices.

Anyway if anyone wants to offer an interpretation on the symbols and numbers, please do so – I’m happy to be enlightened! Just try not to scare me - unless it's to tell me the Mother Ship is coming to finally fetch me. (I was wondering how long it would take...)

I'm ready, I'm ready, beam me up!

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