The 109 km race which goes right around the Cape Peninsula was won by Robbie Hunter in a time of 2 hours and 27 minutes. Which was kind of the time I stood on the bridge taking photographs. Thank goodness for digital cameras is all I can say! No, do not ask how many photos now clutter my hard drive.
One of the things that makes the race remarkable is that all proceeds go to charity and the whole thing happens in the spirit of good and family fun. Because there are so many entrants the race starts at 05h45 and the start continues until 10h09! While I watched over 2000 cyclists went past - or rather - under the bridge I was standing on.
It's the most amazing spectacle of colour and the sense of camaraderie between cyclists and spectators is huge. And of course, the highlight is simply cycling around what is probably one of the most scenic routes in the world.

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