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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The shredding and shame of the Rainbow Nation

As xenophobic violence rips its way across South Africa, displacing thousands of foreign migrants and political refugees, I find myself at a loss for words when subject to the cruelty, hatred and brutality of South Africans towards their neighbours. The tragic irony is that Zimbabweans, Malawians and Mozambicans all welcomed South African political refugees in the bad old days of apartheid, gave them hospitality and aided them in their struggle against the white minority government. But memories are short and the pressing poverty (and inherent violence) of South African society far outweighs issues of humanity.

And bear in mind that it is not only foreigners being attacked but local people too - Vendas, Pedis, Shangaans, have all been told to leave Johannesburg and go back to their own provinces (counties/states). The violence is also spreading to Durban and Cape Town.

There is a view that says a politically motivated third force is behind the wave of violence. This may or may not be true.

But the reality is, the truth, whatever it is, is deeply complex and Thabo Mbeki, in his usual and ineffective way, has called for yet another "investigation". As if that will solve the problem. The Times, in particular, has torn into Mbeki's policies, or lack thereof, as being a direct cause of the violence.

I leave you with this and suggest you look at the related links in the article too. Also go here. Or follow the various links from here.

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