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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday and another Meme...

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Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to meeee
Happy Birthday, dear Vanilla
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee!

Yep, it’s that time of year, tomorrow is my burfday - another year younger another year stronger… Well, I can dream, can’t I? Whaddayamean, how old am I? You must be kidding, I’m not telling you that! I mean I don’t want to destroy any of your illusions, now do I?!

And now, time for some light-hearted fun. I’ve been tagged by Janey over at Whittering On to do A Meme About Various Things. It’s a title which inclines me to think that someone wanted to create a meme and be nosy without having any obvious end or purpose… Mind you, do any of these wretched memes ever have any real purpose... Cynical old me, must be a symptom of age...

A Meme about Various Things

What were you doing ten years ago?

Watching my father die, having to sell his business and discovering there was a lot more to me than I thought there was.
Realising my marriage was on the rocks.
Falling foul of and falling out with my then-stepdaughter.
Discovering I was going to be retrenched – sooner rather than later.
Reclaiming my self by starting to have a mid-life reawakening!
1998 was a foretaste to the very rude awakening that was 1999.

What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order):

Wake up
Get up
Have a shower and brush teeth
Do the grocery shopping.
Go to bed.

What are some snacks you enjoy?

I’m not a snackish kind of person – I generally exercise discipline in the snack department. Mostly, I’d sooner have a banana. But I’ll nibble crisps/chips and dark chocolate occasionally. I do love popcorn but it doesn’t love me.

What would you do if you were a billionaire?

Leave South Africa (mind you, I’ll do that without being a billionaire!).
Buy a villa in Tuscany or Switzerland.
Create a foundation to aid the environment and wildlife or choose an existing NGO with which to work and support - either wildlife, environment or child abuse.
Travel lots.
Splurge on some designer outfits. I lurve Armani and Ferretti – hey, what can I say, I have my materialist side too, you know!
Invest the bulk of it in order to create another billion... and found another foundation.

What are three of your bad habits?

Drinking juice directly from the bottle.
Piling up more and more books next to my bed.

What are five places where you have lived?

Cape Town, South Africa
London, England
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Dublin, Eire
Durban, South Africa

What are five jobs you have had?

Shop assistant/window dresser
Scriptwriter/Video Director-Producer for a corporate
Marketing executive and copywriter
Marketing and Communications Manager
Marketing Director

What were the last five books you read?

I don’t suppose you’re going to believe me if I tell you I actually can’t remember….
So, let me rather tell you what I am reading:
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Author Author by David Lodge
What I Was by Meg Roshoff
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
Emmanuel’s Book channelled by Pat Rodegast – again.
Remember, I did say there were piles and piles of books next to my bed…

What five people do you want to tag?

Um… Kimy, Taffiny, Helen, Rambler, Bart - and anyone else who wants to do this!

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