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Monday, June 9, 2008

Getting ready to Swansong?

I am being a bad, bad, bad blogger. And for that I apologise. For the moment, I feel all blogged out - is there such a thing as blogger burn out? If so, I think I have it. Not of course that I've noticed a rash or anything, you understand, and there doesn't seem to be any sneezing. I just seem to to have run out of witter and warble. For someone who nearly always has something to say, this is a nasty feeling indeed. Akin to a bad and unrequested dose of laryngitis.

So here I am, sans witter and warble and just a month short of my bloggaversary. Tsk. I started this blog on the 4th of July, last year and did my very first blog post ever - as Atyllah the Hen on the 2nd of July 2006. That's two years at it. Not bad going, I suppose. Perhaps I'm entitled to a rest. It certainly feels like it.

The sad reality is, witter and warble loss notwithstanding, I also I find myself overwhelmed by Stuff. Aside from the general tension in the air , I am also up to my eyeballs in edits, critiques and admin related things - preparatory to our move to the other side of the planet. Needless to say it all makes me more than a little preoccupied.

I'm in two minds as to whether to close down this blog and gracefully retreat from blogosphere. But I also know that if I do it, I will miss it. So... I think what I may do instead is put this blog into an extended/indefinite/protracted/sporadic/now and again hiatus. I may post and visit occasionally (you can put me on your RSS feeds if you want to know when I raise my head above the parapet for a bit of a holler) but for now, I simply don't feel up to regular blogging and it doesn't seem fair to all you wonderful people who have been such loyal blogging buddies to not know where I'm at.

So, on that rather vague note of au revoir - not adieu - I leave you for now. You know where to find me if you'd like to do so - leave a comment, drop me an email, or say hello on Facebook or Flickr. I'll still be around, just otherwise occupied.

And you know, I know exactly what's going to happen... I'm going to bid you au revoir and then tomorrow, sod's law being what it is, I'll find I suddenly have plenty to say. Can you cope with erratic?

Ladies and gentleman, we apologise for any inconvenience caused by temporary disruptions to our normal flight schedules but we hope you've enjoyed your flight with us. Please ensure your seatbelts are securly fastened and thank you for flying with Absolute Vanilla...(& Atyllah).

Sheesh, I'm hopeless, I haven't even finished this post and I'm missing you already. It's sad, I tell you, and demented! ;-) So yes, tout a l'heure, see you soon, see you whenever...

And in the meantime, be good, have fun, play nicely with each other and share the joy and the love! And remember, life is what you make of it.

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