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Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Bridle Be Late

It's Not The Annual Free-For-All Street Derby

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Both aspects of this image portray familiar Melbourne sights – a tramcar (trolley, to some of my readers) and a horse and carriage. This is one of the older trams and the interesting thing about this shot is that there is very little to suggest it was shot in Melbourne – apart from the corporate logo on the side of the tram.

And while this was shot several weeks ago, on a warm autumn day, it’s now winter here and business is probably a bit slower for the horse-and-carriage operators. They ply their trade in the city, where it is perfectly legal for them to share the broad thoroughfares with all other vehicles.

Check out the rules at
Camera Critters or go to Misty Dawn.

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