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Friday, June 19, 2009

Sign of the day - P for People

P is for Petunia and her Norwegian based ABC in words and photos.

But also, as an introduction to my "Sign of the Day" posts in the days ahead,
P for People (etc.)
Have a nice search for odd signs in your neighborhood.

The last P is for Pensioners with reference to Wednesday meetings for Asbjørn, Arve, Anton and Helge in Ålesund. Too far away for participation from Oslo.
Ka har London å by på som vi ikkje har?
Ka e Nilen og Niagarastupet?
Ka e Bosporusstredet og et Gibraltar
mot ei kveldstund ned på Naftadjupet?
Hellebroa, Hellebroa,
du e Ålesund bys Golden Gate, ålreit!

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