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Friday, July 24, 2009

Steel Yourself

All Fired Up For The Barbecue Season

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Yes, Australia is famous for its outdoors lifestyle and its barbecue culture. And yes, the days are getting longer again. The winter solstice was almost five weeks ago and the sun is rising earlier and setting later each day, despite the frost and the cold and the chilly winds.

But it’s time to check out the barbecues again. Any day is good for a barbie, as we call them here.

You don’t need an excuse to fire up the burners and toss some olive oil on a sizzling hot plate. But I’d better duck outdoors and check that the gas cylinder is full, before I light up each burner and get the gleaming utensils out again.

Keep 'em clean and keep 'em sharp. Now that’s what I call real cutting edge.

Visit TNChick's Photo Hunt. Today's theme: "Utensils''.

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