Here's the first of the standard questions. Why do you blog?
It's funny because before this year, I had NO IDEA what blogging or bloggers were. If you had told me about the blogosphere before I probably would have said that it sounds like a bunch of people who have no lives ...LOL... And now, I'm one of you!
I started blogging earlier this year after I went to a conference for aspiring writers. Someone there suggested that I start blogging as a way of breaking into the writing world. So, adventurer that I am, I came home and jumped right in! I have discovered that blogging keeps me motivated to write and I think it's helping me become a better writer, too. Most importantly, it helps me keep my sanity--it's my refuge from the world! Here's a post I wrote on this topic: Sunlight In Our Japanese Maple.
What's the story behind the blog name?
My blog started out under a different name (The Birth of a Notion) but then I changed it to 'K' after a conversation with a friend. I was telling her that I thought my blog was all over the place with so many different subjects (family, kids, recipes, books, art, fashion, etc) and that I was worried that I was scaring people away with all the scattered topics. So, she asked me "Well, if your blog was a magazine, which magazine would it be?" That turned out to be such a great question!
After a little deliberation, we decided that it was closest to The O Magazine (by Oprah) because of all the various topics it covers. So, I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if I called my blog 'K'?" I think it works because I actually tell people to call me 'K' in real life because my first name is hard to pronounce (Kirti). Here's the post I wrote the day I changed the name to K - aka the Blog Formerly Known As The Birth Of A Notion.
What is the best thing about being a blogger?
Hmm ... there are a LOT of great things about being a blogger. I guess the best thing is that I feel like a real writer now. I now have a small group of followers that keeps up with my writing regularly. I have no idea why they would care, but I'm glad--it's nice to have a little audience that appreciates my stuff.
And, for the first time in my life, I feel like that book I've been dreaming about writing will actually get written someday. In the few months that I've been doing this, I've written over a hundred posts and thousands of words. There is a book in me -- I just know it!
What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?
Just do it! The way to learn is to just get in there and do it. Don't obsess so much about every post. I know that's easier said than done, because I obsess over my posts, too. Just remember that no one is reading it as closely as you are, so RELAX! I keep reminding myself that too. It takes the pressure off so that your words can flow better.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever read?
I have read so many great posts by so many different bloggers! The blogosphere is a wonderful world full of great minds and great inspiration. In my humble opinion, one of the very best bloggers out there is my friend T.'s blog How A Plate Of Broccoli Got Me Thinking About God. I am always impressed by her writing. I actually find her blog extremely intimidating because she is so smart and insightful.
What is the most significant blog post you've ever written?
I guess the most significant blog post I ever wrote is probably Wealthy, which I wrote for my mom for her 60th birthday. I managed to get that published in a magazine, too, which was a great thrill and also a great present for my mom. I actually think I had some beginner's luck with that one because it was the first story I ever submitted anywhere and it got accepted. (It's also going to be published in a book of short stories that's being developed by a company called Metaphorical Ink.)
Thank you, David, for this amazing opportunity! You have been a great help and inspiration to a newbie in the blogosphere.

Today's Sunday Roast with Kirti is the 77th in a weekly series of interviews with bloggers from around the world.
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