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Monday, October 26, 2009

Kjell Holm is dead

I am sitting here writing a blog-post about the spectacular exhibition of works by the Norvegian artists Terje Fagermo and Edward Munch that will take place in the London gallery Robert Sandelson, late this week.(invited vernissage on October 31.)

Then a sad message could be read in the local newspaper: Sunmørsposten.
"Kjell Holm died last Sunday during a holiday at Malta at the age of 90."

Kjell Holm moved to Switzerland in the 1960s, where he later has been settled. He has also lived in the United States, but has always maintained good contact with his native city.
It was through the "Foundation Kjell Holm" that he shared his wealth and capital with his old fellow citizens of Ålesund. Of the many gifts Kjell Holm has given Ålesund city over the years, are the stained glass windows in Volsdalen church - given by Kjell Holm personally - maybe the most eye-catching.
I did not know Kjell Holm personally, but had the opportunity to meet him, talk and listen to him three years ago when he opened his Sandbu Mansion for us in August, 2006.
Some of Terje Fagermo´s first paintings are on walls at Sandbu and I know the importance Kjell Holm has had in Terje´s development as an artist.
Sandbu received the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage in 2002 and the beauty of this "farm" will be a once in the lifetime experience for all of us visiting. (Kjell Holm third from left)
On behalf of us all, Thanks.

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