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Friday, January 25, 2008

Atyllah (not Vanilla) got tagged for a meme - take cover now

Atyllah, as seen through the ether of the Multiverse...

Bonnie over at Bonnie's Books left the following message in the comments box...

Atyllah? Yo, Atyllah! Where are you, quirky chicken? I just dropped by to tell you that I tagged you for a quirky little meme, and I hope you'll do it for me. I'd like to know you better. Your assignment, if you choose to do it, can be found here:

Oh, and please say hello to Vanilla for me, will you?

Those of you who have been long and regular readers of this blog and the blog that preceded it, will know exactly who Atyllah is. For those of you who don't, please follow the link from Atyllah's picture in the column alongside. Here, I will simply suffice to say that Atyllah is a Chicken. With Attitude. From a planet called Novapulse - that's Novapullis - New Chicken - geddit?

I duly sent a message to Atyllah in Novapulse (she gave up on humanity a good while ago and went home in disgust) and have just received a reply from her...

Oh, by the way, the rules of the meme are as follows:

* link to the person who tagged you
* post the rules on your blog
* share six non-important things/ habits/ quirks about yourself
* tag at least 3 people at the end of the post and link to their blogs
* let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Greetings sad Earthlings - oh, and you happy ones too. I see your fascination with me continues unabated. I've yet to make up my mind whether this is a good or a bad thing...

So, Bonnie wants to know six quirky things about me. Hmm. I hope she doesn't live to regret this.

Since I am about to convene a meeting of department heads of the Allied Federation of Intergalactic Associations, I don't have much time, and, besides, UberAgent the Grand High Cluck is casting beady looks in my direction which I'm not much enjoying. Novapulsians, you should know, have developed a "view" about humanity - or more correctly, inhumanity - and intergalactic fraternisation with you lot is frowned upon.

Right, so six quirky things about me. (Actually, I don't think they're remotely quirky, but knowing you humans, you inevitably will.)

1. I prefer to eat my worms and grubs (and other such delicacies) with a light seasoning of olive oil and garlic - this is a little treat I discovered whilst on Earth. Since we don't have olive trees on Novapulse, I had to bring back crates of olive oil with me when I returned. Now I'm running low on supplies - 'cos it seems the other chickens like it too. Perhaps one of you would be willing to send me more? We could set up and import/export arrangement - you could send me olive oil, I could send you Granny Were when she's lunar...

2. I may have inherited more of Granny Were's werechicken tendencies than I first realised. I've discovered I love to crow to the full moon.

3. Having brought Chicken Man back to Novapulse with me, I find we rather enjoy role swapping games... Oh yes, it's very kinky. I dress him up in feathers and he dons my old human suit.

4. I am able to interact fluently with all sentient beings across the infinity of the multiverse - though I confess to struggling to get humans to understand my point of view. I suspect this has less to do with me and a lot more to do with YOU!

5. I discovered this great comedian whilst I was on earth - he's called George W Bush. I make a point of tuning in to Earth television on a regular basis so I can cackle at his antics. He is just sooo funny - and I've realised he cannot possibly mean anything he says because its all too ludicrous for words. Great comedy, Georgie, you're blessed with comedic genius.

6. Beans make me fart. This is a deeply quirky thing for us Novapulsian chickens given that beans are a staple part of our diet. I realise this might seem strange to you because I have never met a human who could eat a bean without farting.

Now, let me think, who shall I tag... Hmmm... Some old friends and some of Vanilla's new friends - and forget it, I'm not sticking to three people only, you know what I think of your Earth rules! (And no, it doesn't rule - just remember that!)

Jefferson Davis
Baino of Baino's Banter
Shameless of Shameless Words
Jon of Writing in a Vacuum
Steph of The Biopsy Report
Moonrat of Editorial Ass
Sameera of Sameera's Haven

Right, and now let me get to that meeting.

Over and out, Vanilla, and please say "Buk-buk, a la Ba-Kaaak, Peck-Peck" to all our dear friends on Earth.

Notes from Vanilla:
1. "Buk-Buk etc" is the offical Novapulsian Greeting.
2. I did say to Bonnie that I take no responsibility for Atyllah's "quirkish replies.

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