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Monday, January 21, 2008

Progress Report

It seems that hanging out a little less in blogosphere is paying off - I'm moving through the edit of my young adult novel at a really good pace - faster than I anticipated and it's going really smoothly.

*wipes brow and heaves a sigh of relief*

I'm about 44 pages from "The End" and once that's done, I will go through the entire manuscript yet again, reading it aloud to test that the flow and nuances work properly. And then it will be into a large padded envelope and off to London - and I'll settle down to continue with the manuscript I started working on last year. And that, I'm really looking forward to. I know what the story is about, have a sense of where it will go but for the rest, the actual getting there, well that, as usual, remains one glorious adventure. Wooohoooo!

As for the pics for today... D bought me a couple of bags of marbles (a Christmas stocking filler) knowing my inclination to enjoy working with light and reflections. So here you go, this is what happens when you hand me a camera, some marbles, sunshine and then stick me in the digital darkroom!

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