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Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Night at the Awards

Let me start by saying that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I am not dead. See, just in case you were beginning to think I'd fallen off the planet, I haven't. I'm still here, doing a lot of decluttering and thinking and trying to get myself focussed for a huge push on a very big edit of last year's manuscript. No, that's not the one I'm currently writing - it's the one I finished in 2006 and edited in 2007 and now have to re-edit yet again following on really good feedback from my critique partners and an invitation to submit to an editor with whom I'm very keen to work. (Yes, please keep fingers and toes crossed for me!) And of course, once that's done, which I'm figuring will take a month or two, then it's back to the current work in progress. And I'm also hoping for feedback from the same editor on an earlier manuscript that was submitted at last year. I suppose what I'm saying is that blogging is going to have to take it's rightful back seat while I concentrate on doing the things I really have to do. So, expect posting and visiting to be sporadic, I guess - though of course, I never say never...

Now that aside, while I was out of blogosphere pondering all sorts of things, award time was happening and I'm overwhelmed at all the "gifts" that have been heaped upon me - I feel like I've had a night at the Oscars - but without all the gumpf that goes with that! Thank you so much to Celestine, Sameera and Bonnie for respectively gifting me with "The Colours of Friendship Badge", "Bloggers of the World" and "2007 Inspiring Blog", and "Mwah!"

As is the way of these things, I'm to pass on each award to five others.


This award goes to those who have especially touched my life with their warmth, laughter, friendship, love and kindness this past year - both on and off blogosphere:

Red Dirt Girl

(yes, I know, I can't count! ;-) )


I'm going to copy Sameera here and award this one to ALL of you - because if ever there was a new world tribe, you're it; the embodiment of coming together and interconnectedness despite nationality, culture and religion. Bloggers of the World - yeah!


The Inspiring Blog Award goes to some people whose words, images and thoughts I find particularly inspirational:

Mother Wintermoon


The purpose of this award is motivated by:
the desire to hand some of that love and kindness back around to those who have been so very, very, very good to me in this bloggy world. My hope is that those who receive this award will pass it on to those who have been very, very, very good to them as well. It's a big kiss, of the chaste platonic kind, from me to you with the underlying 'thanks' message implied. I really do appreciate your support and your friendship and yes, your comments. ... Mwah!
And so I pass on a great big Mwah! to:

Canterbury Soul

(yes, yes, I know, I still can't count).


And now I'm going to post another award to those who so often leave me chuckling - and who certainly have been known to brighten my day in a more humourous way.

Although these bloggers don't necessarily set out to be witty or humourous, they all have a wicked sense of humour! So, this one goes to:

Mutley - a very dirty dog
Kyklops - who has clearly been abducted by mushrooms at some point in his colourful past
Minx - who is irrespressible and incomparable
Jon - who personifies nuttiness
Wilf - who is a small boy with a wicked sense of humour, though he'd possibly disagree
Scarlett - very particularly for her rainbow chicken post!
Baino - for her whacky ozzie humour :-)

Hope you're all enjoying a wonderful weekend - and Blog On!

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