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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sneaking behind Anvil Rock--SkyWatch

I just caught the plane headed beyond the ridge on it's way to Seattle Tacoma International Airport (I presume). At the left is the remains of, or beginnings of, another lenticular cloud over Mt. Rainier. I couldn't wait till SkyWatch Friday to share the lenticulars we saw on Sunday's snowshow hike. If you missed them on My world Tudsday, scroll down, or have a look here.

See other SkyWatchers here.


All the best wishes for the NEW YEAR. Welcome to 2010.

January 2nd

1949: Luis Muñoz Marín becomes the first democratically elected Governor of Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, he had moved to Upper Manhattan three weeks earlier.

1955: Panamanian president Jose Antonio Remon is assassinated... he too was living in Upper Manhattan at the time.

1974: President Richard Nixon signs a bill lowering the maximum U.S. speed limit to 55 MPH in order to conserve gasoline, ease pollution, and help Ted Kennedy survive for the next 35 years.

December Numbers

Hits to this blog were up 37.2% year-over-year in December. Thanks everyone!

January 1st

1804: French rule ends in Haiti. Haiti goes on to prove that there really is a country that can be more screwed up AFTER the French leave.

1899: Spanish rule ends in Cuba. Cuba goes on to prove that there really is a country that can be more screwed up AFTER the Spanish leave.

1908: For the first time, a ball is dropped in New York City's Times Square to signify the start of the New Year at midnight. Of course, balls are dropped in Times Square for other reasons every night.

1994: The North American Free Trade Agreement comes into effect, guaranteeing employment forever for Lou Dobbs.

The year 2009 on my blog - a photo-cavalcade

It is getting close to 2010 and everyone around are making cavalcades of some sort based on the year that has gone by. Surprisingly, I'm going to do the same. Since this is mainly a photo-blog, I have picked one picture I have posted from each month during the year. I hope you will enjoy them - just click on yesterday's moon above (or here), and then start the sideshow rolling.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 in brief

On this last day of 2009 I will give you the opportunity to return to my 323 posts during the year.

January (28 posts) covered among others the War in Gaza, the death of the Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss and this image from january 20th. Go there and see more:In February (30 posts) the Norwegian WestCoast Peaks, my eye surgery and the loads of snowfall was central. But photofunia had also detected me and made a presentation in Vogue.When March (32 posts) arrived RuneE closed down his "Bridges" meme and the weather became better for us urban strollers. It´s the month for Tullen´s birthday and some years ago she looked like thisIn April (26 posts) we had our two first travels abroad this year. First Copenhagen, Denmark and later Palma de Mallorca, Spain, where this restaurant almost became our "local"May (27 posts) was the month when we moved up to Tullarbo for the summer season, but mostly the birth of Maja (our third grandchild) was in focus. In June (25 posts) we made our second visit to Copenhagen this year, lived at the cottage and had a lovely time with Asbjørn and Anne Katharina at their summer residence at "Flemsøya"In July (27 posts) I was awarded "Post of the Day" by aussie David McMahon for the second time, continued my painting activity at the cottage and started the harvesting of raspberries and fruits.August (23 posts) was the month of discovering the writer Ruth Rendell, presenting Terje Fagermo´s painting once more, dancing in the Aker Brygge street, but mostly for family visits from WalesSeptember (23 posts) is the month of Asbjørn´s birthday and our third trip to Norefjell and (close for myself) Høgevarde October (23 posts) was the month when we return down town, touring in and around Oslo, but also spent another week at Playa de Mallorca.November (24 posts) was the month for celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall, more nature experiences and presenting some great Reflection photos.In December two artists had success. Terje Fagermo in London and Lars Laumann winning the Statoil Art Award 2009, but my favorite photo of December (35 posts) must be Maja playing with her Christmas gift.Thank you all for visiting my blog this year. Hope you have enjoyed taking part in my 2009 life and that the next year also will bring you competencd and learning by opening my site.
Why not starting your own blog. Go to blogger.com and follow the instructions.

Winter - Summer

From Paradise--December above, July below.

From the Nisqually Vista trail--December above, July below

The Tatoosh Range--December, July

Narada Falls--December, August--is that the same red car?

From the Bed of the Nisqually--December, July

Happy New Year | Godt Nyttår | Drammen River

Happy New Year !

New Year's Eve NYC
It's New Year's Eve, and that means millions of people will be jammed into a small area of New York City tonight. They will be cold. They won't be able to use the bathroom. It will be dangerous... but enough about La Guardia Airport.

Starting 2010
Hundreds of millions of people will tune in to ABC to watch the New Year's Eve special. Some will be watching to see the ball drop, but most just want to find out if Dick Clark lives to see another year.

Rush in Hospital
Rush Limbaugh has been taken to a Hawaii hospital with chest pains. If he dies, he's still expected to get better ratings than Air America for the next 15 years.

Cops and Tiger
The Florida Highway Patrol now says it did meet with Tiger Woods five days after his Thanksgiving Day crash outside his home. The five cops who met with Woods questioned him about the incident, checked his license, and then vigorously washed their hands for 2-3 hours.

Intel Breakdown
The National Security Agency intercepted discussions of a plot by leaders of Al Qaeda in Yemen, but reports show that spy agencies did not collate the intercepts with other information. They also did not staple the reports, nor use the proper color-coded filing system.

December 31st

406: The Vandals cross the Rhine, beginning an invasion of Gaul... which is amazing, since they were only armed with spray paint and silly string.

1904: The first New Year's Eve celebration is held in New York's Times Square, making the spot home to scumbags from all over the world forevermore.

1951: The Marshall Plan expires after distributing more than $13.3 billion in foreign aid to rebuild Europe. Today, $13.3 billion isn't even enough to tide GM over for a weekend.

1963: The Central African Federation officially collapses and splits into Zambia, Malawi, Rhodesia and Kool and the Gang.

A bridge at Christmas-time

From yesterday's stroll.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

28 degrees celcius difference

This morning: Minus 14 degree C outside our windows.In the kitchen when starting prepare for breakfast: Plus 14 degrees C.
Time to ignite the dry wood in the fireplace.

ABC Wednesday is again down to the X

X marks the spot.

Trail marking poles in an X, these are ready to be taken and put in place with the rope between to mark dangerous areas.

Poles are used in an x to mark bridges
and edges
and what look like poles standing straight from one angle, are Xs from another.

When you come to the edge--don't go past the X
See how others have dealt with the letter X at ABC Wednesday Central.

CIA Failure?
A new report says the CIA failed to share a report about alleged plane bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab. That's because all the other security agencies were only interested in the pictures the CIA had of Tiger Woods' mistresses.

Health Stimulus
The bad news is the new health care reform bill makes it illegal not to buy health insurance. The good news is that thousands of new prison guard jobs will be created when millions of Americans get jailed for not buying health insurance.

Cellphone Hack?
A German hacker claims to have cracked the encryption that protects most cellphone calls, potentially paving the way for others to eavesdrop on conversations. This poses a serious threat to anyone who doesn't want to die of boredom listening to everyone's stupid cellphone calls.

Bag Tax
Consumers in Washington, D.C. will now have to pay a tax on paper and plastic shopping bags. The only bags not taxed in Washington are the ones used stuffed with bribes to members of Congress.

Corvette Recall
General Motors is recalling 22,000 Chevrolet Corvettes, because of potentially leaky roofs. Unfortunately, American taxpayers can't recall GM for its definitely leaky balance sheet.

December 30th

1066: A Muslim mob storms the royal palace in Granada, crucifies Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacres most of the Jewish population of the city. Then the mob appeals to the UN to stop the "cycle of violence."

1919: Lincoln's Inn in London admits its first female bar student. But the experiment is deemed a failure as 90 years later, we have come to the conclusion that female lawyers are just as crappy people as male lawyers.

1936: The United Auto Workers union stages its first sit-down strike. No one in the UAW has bothered to get up since.

2006: Saddam Hussein is executed by hanging. He is spared having to see the 1,500 lousy anti-Iraq war movies that Hollywood has produced since.