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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A beautiful winterday

High above Oslo city (altitude 435 meter) we find a beautiful building and restaurant named Frognerseteren.The oldest part of the building was completed in 1891. Architect Holm Munthe made the drawings in the Dragon style of the époque.Under the beautiful house we find the skiing track connected to the Holmenkollen Ski Festival and a well known time control post in the 50 km cross-country competition.My daughter and wife used this lovely morning to ski the track to Ullevålseter and down to lake Sognsvann with possibility (due to heavy snowfall lately) to continue all the way home. Totally 16 km in clear cold weather.
From the famous hill above Oslo my camera catched the eastern part of the city covered in frost smoke and polution. The next photo shows the rebuilding of Midtstubakken (a ski-jump hill of K95 meter) with the Oslofjord and the strong sun to the south.
Building of the new Holmenkollen is continously progressing and today the hill looked like this seen from the road below Gratishaugen

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