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Monday, December 21, 2009

Citi Hacked?
The FBI is investigating a possible cyber attack on Citigroup. This is a serious issue, because next time the hackers might target a bank that actually has money.

Custody Case
A Brazilian court is set to decide whether to send a nine-year-old boy back to his biological father in New Jersey. The justices could force the boy to live in a strange, corrupt, and polluted country... or they could allow him to stay in Brazil.

Pregnancy Ban
The general in charge of U.S. troops in Northern Iraq is making getting pregnant or impregnating a fellow soldier an offense subject to court martial. Of course, this isn't the first time the army has ordered soldiers to pull out.

Special Find
Archaeologists says they have just unearthed remains of the first home in Nazareth that dates to Jesus' era. Five minutes after the discovery of the house, three Jehovah's witnesses knocked at the door.

Giuliani Won't Run
Rudy Giuliani has ruled out a run for the Senate in New York. Rudy wants to spend more time asking out Tiger Woods' ex-mistresses.

December 22nd

1807: The Embargo Act, forbidding trade with all foreign countries, is passed by the U.S. Congress, at the urging of President Thomas Jefferson. This is the last time anyone considered buying anything from GM.

1937: The Lincoln Tunnel opens to traffic in New York City. The first cars that entered the tunnel 72 years ago should be coming through the other end any time now.

1964: Comedian Lenny Bruce is convicted of obscenity. Had he done the same act today, he would have been given a guest host spot on Sesame Street.

1965: In the United Kingdom, a 70 mph speed limit is applied to all rural roads for the first time. This rule is bound to become relevent as soon as they make a British car that can go over 30 mph.

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