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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A new Photoblog to visit

The new blog is my own new photo-blog. The name, Visual Norway - Extended, signifies what it is meant to be - an extension of this blog, Visual Norway. This was also meant to be a pure photo-blog, but as time went by it became more of a "standard" blog than I intended. So therefore I have started a new blog as an add-on.

There will be no advertising, no memes, and awards are Thank you, but No Thank you. The photos may be whatever takes my fancy and whatever I want to learn or experiment with: Macros, Black & White, HDR, Panoramas, Series concerning a single subject, Supplements to pictures posted in Visual Norway - we'll see, because I don't quite know yet. The text will be kept at a minimum, but comments will of course always be welcome!

If you should want to have a look, it is here.

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