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Monday, May 4, 2009

The Noblesse Oblige Award - and why I blog... and some bees...

It’s award time again and this one seems a little different – requires some thought. Which means a bit of effort for those of us who are fighting with travel arrangements and other such related bureaucracy, and trying to forge ahead with a story that feels like it’s lost its way. Actually, the story hasn’t lost its way, but the writer has, temporarily, at least.

Face to face with a bee...

But on and on.

So here’s the Noblesse Oblige Award, given to me by Val from Monkeys on the Roof who weaves magic with her words about the African bushveld. Thank you, Val – now just get out there and write that book, girl – it will be something truly special, I know!

As Val said on her blog, this feels like a particularly special award – in that it makes you think about why you’re blogging.

The blurb accompanying the blog says:

The recipient of this award is recognized for the following: 1) The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs. 2) The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage, and offers solutions. 3) There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture, Sciences, and Beliefs. 4) The Blog is refreshing and creative. 5) The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps: 1) Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award. 2) The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post. 3) Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older posts to support. 4) The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions. 5) Blogger must display the Award at any location at the Blog.

Feasting bee...

I have to say, I’ve never thought of my blog doing the things listed above, mostly, I guess, because I first started blogging as a bit of a laugh with Atyllah the Hen, a fictional alien Chicken with Attitude. Let’s face it, as far as Atyllah was concerned, nothing was sacred and everything humanly was worthy of a potshot and a sideswipe. The blog, I know, ultimately offended several people as Atyllah called a spade a particularly blunt shovel. Still, I like to think that perhaps the old bird made people sit up and think about things more than once. She had, and still has, her place. Be warned.

Upside down bee...

By the time I moved on to blogging as Vanilla, I was tired of “being someone else” as it were and wanted to be able to blog more as myself, multifaceted beast that I am – I wanted a place to be able to express thoughts, opinions, share photography and artwork and just generally “witter and warble”. I will also admit that blogging has been something of an experiment in social networking and “marketing”. As an ex-marketing sort and a writer I was curious to see what sort of exposure a blog could provide and how one had to work it to gain maximum reach. I’ll tell you this much for nothing - a blog is bloody hard work and is, I often think, nearly unsustainable!

As to what the blog has achieved thus far – well, it has led me to “meet” some interesting people from far and wide – and that tells me that we’re far more connected and at one than we ever were – and that, I believe, is a huge and important step forward for humanity. The more the people of the world connect, the more we realise we are more the same than we are different, the more chance we have of creating a global harmony and oneness.

Drilling bee...

As for what else the blog has achieved – I tell you what – why don’t you tell me what you think it’s achieved – share your thoughts with me so I can know how the blog impacts upon you – if it indeed does.

I’m not going to cite old posts, there are really too many I could point you to – my personal experiences of nearly dying, experiences of xenophobia in South Africa, my recent posts on the elections in SA, short stories that I’ve written, photographs that I've taken in the African bush and on foreign shores – the blog takes no particular form and was never meant to.

And as with all awards, I presume I’m meant to pass this on. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know my thoughts on that. I believe that every blog I read offers something of value, something that inspires or encourages – be it a predominantly photographic blog, a blog of ramblings, a blog about writing, a humourous blog. I don’t believe that anyone I blog with doesn’t in some way, great or small, promote a better understanding on a social, political, economic, arts, culture, sciences or belief level.

Honey bee...

So, when I say I award the Noblesse Oblige Award to you – yep, that’s you reading this blog, right now, this very minute - then I truly and deeply mean it from the bottom of my heart (not the heart of my bottom…). So this award goes to you – and that means I want to see it posted on your blog and I want to see you writing a Noblesse Oblige post. All good children will get a gold star (or not…).

But yes, the award goes to you. Yes, I do mean, you, oh doubter (you know who you are, you think because I’ve not mentioned your name I don’t mean YOU – well I do!) So, yes, you.

And a bug...

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