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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

R is for RED as in a fire station - in ABC Wednesday

What could be more RED than a fire station? In this case it is the old fire station in Bergen. This beautiful old building was built in 1888, and it was built as a fire station. It may look like a cross between a railway station and a church, but the dominating tower was used for drying the hoses after use and wash.

This beautiful façade was clearly meant to impress. However, first there was a hotel that hid it. After a fire(!) in 1916 that destroyed a large part of central Bergen, the façade was again hidden by an add-on for garages, stores and what-not (see below).

The picture is from 1963 and is courtesy of Bergen University Library.

Bergen has recently got a new and more modern fire station, so the add-on has been torn down and the façade can again be seen in full splendour. However, it will only be for a short while. A new building that is going to house the Courts of Appeals will come here, although there has been a bit of grumbling about that just lately. Maybe we will still get to see this magnificent building?

Today's post is an entry in the fourth round of ABC Wednesday, the meme initiated by Denise Nesbitt.

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