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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Petal To The Metal

Tracing Kinship Between Nature And Technology

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

About eighteen months ago, I shot a sequence of images of a a single bud as it began to unfurl on a climbing rose bush on our property. It was a very interesting project, because one of the photographs I shot is the one I have published above.

At the time, the positioning of the petals as they were about to unfurl reminded me vividly of a sight I have often seen on tarmacs at airports around the world. But I had to wait a while to shoot the image that corresponded with what the rose reminded me of.

It is the white swirl painted on the giant turbines of the jets that we see at every airport. Is it just me or do you see the graceful resemblance too?

Visit Luiz Santilli Jr for the home of Today's Flowers.

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