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Monday, June 8, 2009

What blogging can lead to

Why do I start this post by showing you a picture of Chris and Barry Jones from Carlsbad, California, USA, drinking tea in Bergen, Norway? Because I met them over a cup of tea for a long chat, and I took these pictures. And why did we do that? Because we "met" through our blogs and wanted to meet in person when the opportunity arose.

Much has been written about electronic communication replacing personal contact. Meetings as such are no longer necessary. TV conferences, net meetings, bloggs, E-mails and many other forms are replacing them. In many cases they are right. Much can be accomplished electronically, as any blogger can testify. But not everything. There still remains the value of the personal contact, of talking face-to-face - the good old chat. It is not easy to communicate body language through a blog.

So when Chis and Barry came to visit Norway, what was more natural than to team up for a couple of hours and get to know each other better? And I think we did. I had some highly enjoyable hours and I have a feeling they did too.

If more people from around the world did the same I think we would have a better world.

PS If you wonder where this quaint place is, it is outside Bryggen Tracteursted at Bryggen, Bergen - on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

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