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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Small Is Beautiful

Protect Them From Frost And They Will Thrive

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

The front of Casa Authorblog is always a riot of natural colour, whatever the season. Last summer we had cascades of petunias - and yes, we're talking real cascades, in every colour. This winter, as you can see, these terracotta pots under the front verandah are ablaze with violas.

I have to admit, I've never planted viola seedlings before, but there is a reason for this. From the time our children were little, they have always chosen the seedlings that get planted out the front and out the back of the house. Sometimes, ahem, their choices have been helped along by a little guidance from the publisher of this blog.

But now that the Authorbloglets have their own opinions, I find that we plant things in our pots that I'm not familiar with. Like the time a few weeks ago, when I told the youngest Authorbloglet that perhaps violas were too tiny to provide any real splash of colour.

No, my argument didn't make any headway at all. And yes, I was wrong. These blooms are no more than two and a half or maybe three centimetres across - and the colour is a welcome boon this winter. Yes, we've had frost and ice, but because the terracotta pots are under cover, they are ablaze with every hue.

Visit Luiz Santilli Jr for the home of Today's Flowers.

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