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Thursday, August 27, 2009

.... but mostly introducing Hazel Dooney

I am still working with Colors and Canvas by using Acrylic and Water. The result of today´s process gave this painting which I chose to call "Farm Houses".

However, amateur paintings (my hobby) is nothing compared to my newly discovery of Hazel Dooney.

Her artworks are spectacular, very intriguing and, if my recommendation counts: for every visitor on my blog: a MUST to see.
According to the Australian Financial Review, she "walks the razor's edge between respect and celebrity in today's art-world" (September, 2006).

She says that her blog is about:"What I Think About When I Am Not Making Art", and that recipe should many of the persons calling themselves ."Photo-bloggers" bring into their heart and express through their posts. Her statement (sub-header to the Self vs Self blog) can I copy and hopefully some of you regularly visiting my blog see both the process and the final results.
I "steal" one of Hazels painting to give you an example of her art.
Click on her name if you want to see more of Hazel Dooneys works

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