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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Have Faith

Belief Will Open Every Door For You

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

It was just one of those days when I had time on my hands, enough time to soak up the atmosphere, enough time to wander and enough time to look for some images that define steadfast faith.

Religious symbols always beckon when the human mind seeks symbols of constant reassurance, and I just happened to be passing St Paul’s Cathedral. So instead of going to the main entrance on Flinders Street, I walked around to the side.

Here, on the heavy wooden doors that embody the Victorian-era architecture, I found these heavy handles that fascinated me. Of course, a heavy door needs a sizeable handle, so it makes perfect sense that handles of this size would be required to haul open a substantially-sized door.

But I often wonder if the craftsmen who designed and produced these handles ever thought that they would still be in everyday use in the 21st century.

For earlier posts in this series, check out The Doors Archive.

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