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Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Sunday Roast

Blogging With True Religious Fervour

This week's interview is with Sharon,
who writes the blog Dances With God.

Here's the first of the standard questions. Why do you blog?

I began blogging after reading other blogs. The creativity, the journaling, everyday life of other people, great stories, inspired me to move from just journaling and working on a book I was writing, to the blog posts. I enjoy blogging as an outlet for comedy, inspiration and connecting with others.

What's the story behind your blog name?

About a month before I began blogging, I begin my first year as a seminary student. Especially during the first four weeks and continuing through the first semester, I was presented with interesting facts that caused me to question so many things from my childhood experience of church, my faith, and what God really is all about.

I felt that everyday in class was a dance with God. The thoughts that went through my head, my prayers and conversations with him began to be like dancing on broken glass, or tiptoeing through the tulips. That was the best growing to know God experience that could have ever happened to me. By the time I started blogging, I began to like my dances with God and thought it would be appropriate to title my blog just in that manner. I shared in my profile that I am a pastor.

I have met people, whom I have enjoyed conversations with, all is fun and great, even inspiration and when they stop to ask, "What do you do?" I respond and say, "I am a pastor". Those same people look at me as though a holy cloak was thrown around me and they too, begin that "God dance". It is often a challenge to help them recognize I am just another human, working my way through life, as they are.

Our differences are the callings we have answered because of the passions that drive us. Yours are inspiring us with wit, poetry, rhymes, and incredible photography. Mine is being a pastor; a pastor that lets people be who they are, where they are. After all, don’t we all need that?

What is the best thing about being a blogger?

I have met the most amazing and wonderful people since I have become a blogger. I continue to find new blogs that I follow. I have grown as a person because of people I have met.

What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?

Be sure you are okay letting the entire world in on what you have to say. Show up, tell your story, and don’t be attached to the outcome. You will have people who love what you have to say. There will be others who aren’t kind. Be who you are and don’t let someone else dictate what you do on your blog. Be original.

What is the most significant blog post you've ever read?

David, this is the hardest question. There are so many. Some help me grow spiritually, like Braja at Lost and Found in India. Some have incredible true stories like Jane, at Gaston Studio. Jane’s adventure and ability to tell her story puts her readers there with her. Otin at The Wizard of Otin blows me away with his fiction, his depth and character and his ability to sound superficial when the whole time, he totally gets life the way it should be.

Michel at Facts are Strictly Optional is the funniest, most comical person I have ever had the chance to read about. The way she writes about her everyday life, brings tears of laughter and side-splitting humor. She is a gem. I believe the most significant post I have ever read is from Shannon. Her post Live Your Truth was spoken well, it made a statement and would make a great presentation for all pastors to read or hear.

What is the most significant blog post you've ever written?

The Pastor’s Mirror is my most significant post. My goal was to give people an inside look at my life and see that we all have the ability to rise above circumstances and turn our lemons into lemonade. I believe that message was received just as I intended.

Today's Sunday Roast with Sharon is the 81st in a weekly series of interviews with bloggers from around the world.

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