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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bench of the week (25)

A reflection of one bench in a window
An indication of two more outside
A step backwards is indicated

The bench in the window disappears
The two outside are still there
Even more benches come into view
Further steps backwards are indicated

The bench from the window is now outside
The three white benches are not alone
They are just having a break


My own interest in benches stems from the site published by PERBS and Kerri and the site published by Malyss. Also, others have shown an interest in the subject, so I have started to take photos of benches when I "stumble" across one and post them on Fridays. This is not a "proper" meme, but if anyone else would like to join me in publishing benches on Fridays (or any other day for that matter), they are of course welcome to do so. I have therefore not made a blog roll, but visits to my former posts (see archives in the sidebar), to the previous mentioned sites and to Gerald's site Ackworth Born, Gone West (he keeps a small tab of benches he finds on his way) might be profitable.

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