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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

J Is For Jerra Jerra

Don't Blink Or You'll Miss It, Mate

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

One of the joys of long interstate drives is having enough time on your hands to stop and shoot some images every times you see a sight that takes your fancy. Which, in my case, is fairly often. Oh, okay, make that VERY often.

In June this year I was driving through the lush Riverina, the picturesque farming area in New South Wales. Every time I cross the border from my home state, Victoria, I am surprised by how green it is in NSW, and this time was no exception. Even though it was early in the Australian winter, there had not been a lot of rain in Victoria, but across the state line, things were emerald green.

The first image was shot at the tiny Jerra Jerra Creek just outside the town of Culcairn, while I navigated my way to Wagga Wagga and then on to Temora. It was a good road, although there were some sweeping bends, so I had to make sure every time I stopped to take some shots that I was in clear view of traffic coming from either direction.

This abandoned building caught my attention, but because it was on a fairly straight stretch of road, I was able to pull over easily and shoot a couple of frames to emphasise its desolation and the sense of abandonment amid the green paddocks just off the highway.

For the home of ABC Wednesday, go to
Mrs Nesbitt's Place.

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