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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bits of Alaska -- 6 -- More critters from The AWCC

You've already seen this bear a few posts back. The day we were at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center he seemed rather bored with it all. His life had not always been so calm. Take a look at the circumstances of the adoption of the three brown bears at the center.

If you click these forms they should enlarge so you can read them.

Living with wildlife is a fact of life in Alaska. You have to know how to cope with bears and moose, even in the cities. Of course, remember that Alaska's cities aren't quite what you find in other metropolitan centers. Alaskans live close to the elements even in "urban" areas. The circumstances of the bears' adoptions at the center are sad facts of life.
This bear was having a bit more fun that day with a nice swim and somethig to chew on. We never did figure out what the something was, but he was definitely working it over.

Some other critter portraits from the Center.


The porcupine was a bit anti-social. Does he bring the "tribble" to mind here?
Musk Ox

A pair of young black bears.

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