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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ABC Wednesday--Round 6--A

A is for Anthony Christopher--my new grandson born Sunday. Sorry--no pictures--I am very serious about not displaying children's pictures online.

Anthony has two sisters and a brother, and thirteen cousins. Among the cousins are three
A-s, Andy and Aiden, who live in Arizona and his cousin in Siberia, Андрэ, which, if I spelled it right is Andre.

I am busy getting ready to go spend a few days helping out with Anthony's  siblings--and get a few cuddles in as well, so I don't have any A photos ready for this round. If you would like to see what I came up with for previous rounds, click here.

For other ABC participants, go to the ABC site and while you are there, thank the new team for picking up in support of Denise who started it all.

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