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Monday, March 22, 2010

Steve Jobs: "I was very fortunate"

A year ago Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, received a strongly needed new liver through a liver transplantation.
Jobs told other transplant survivors who attended the crowded Friday news conference at Stanford's Lucile Packard Children's Hospital , "I'm feeling fine. I almost died. It's been a pretty good last few months."
"I was almost one of the ones that died waiting for a liver in California last year," said Jobs, whippet-thin but healthy. He appeared at a brief event with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to unveil a new legislative effort to greatly expand the number of California organ donors.To read more and see the video of this presentation about the push for California´s Organ Donor Registry you can click on this link from MercuryNews.Com

Living in Norway do as senator Elaine Alquist, D-San Jose says in the video:
"Choose Life - Say YES",
by make your decision today. Inform your relatives today and fill in your Donor Card
through Stiftelsen Organdonasjon.

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