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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekend reflections

This is my contribution to James at Newtown Area Photo's meme called Weekend Reflections. Post a reflection during the week-end, log on to MckLinky via his site - and you're on.
My reflections come from Marbella, Spain.I also invite you to elaborate about the different cultural traditions in your own and other countries while looking at the Plaza de Toros in Malaga, Spain.
OR:March 10 2010 my first visitor from the Dominican Republic (flag no 156) found my blog, reading the post from July 2009 Angry Nature Thunder and Lightning
It is interesting that words in this post was searched for from a country close to the Haitian disaster. The earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale which struck Haiti on 12 January, struck Haiti and devastated the capital city, Port-au-Prince. Reportedly more than 150,000 people were killed and buried later in mass graves, although the exact number was difficult to determine. My post about weather chalenges in Oslo July 3 2009 can not be compared to the devastating problems they have experienced at the Caribbean island Hispaniola with the sovereign states Haiti and the Dominican Republic

The blue on the flag stands for liberty.
The white on the flag stands for salvation.
The red on the flag stands for the blood of heroes.
Also worth a reflection on this Sunday.

But is you only want reflections in windows please take a look at the photo from our longterm stay in Andalusia in January - February this year. See the Mediterranean sea from a Tapas Bar in Marbella where everything was prized to 1, 2 or 3 euros:

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