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Friday, November 12, 2010

Can You Spare $14 Billion?
California begins asking investors to lend it $14 billion in bonds this week. To boost confidence, the state is promising that the interest on the bonds will be paid by the fines levied against Lindsay Lohan at each of her 18,000 upcoming court appearances.

Shopping Bag Shocker
The bad news is that a new study shows there is harmful lead in many of those "environmentally-friendly" reusable shopping bags that could hurt the people who use them. The good news is that a new study shows there is harmful lead in many of those "environmentally-friendly" reusable shopping bags that could hurt the pretentious idiots who use them.

China likes GM
China has agreed to take a 1% stake in the new GM IPO, but the Chinese are insisting on getting the 1% of new GM cars that is actually expected to work.

No F's!
A suburban Washington, D.C. high school has basically eliminated the "F" grade. It turns out the students demanded to be treated like congressmen.

Krugman's Call
The bad news is Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman says we need "death panels" to help keep government spending down. The good news is the first person the death panels are likely to kill is Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman.

November 15th

1533: Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro arrives in Mexico, where he promptly discovers diarrhea.

1968: The US Air Force launches Operation Commando Hunt, a large-scale bombing campaign against the Ho Chi Minh trail and Jane Fonda.

1988: An independent State of Palestine is proclaimed by the Palestinian National Council… but no one hears about it because the Council then decides to blow itself up.

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