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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Homage to a World War II airman

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON (Image ID: 125-7670)

These two images are part of a series I shot while talking to a gentleman who served as a gunner in the RAAF during World War II. We spoke for a few minutes at Southbank, Melbourne, just before the Anzac Day parade on Sunday April 25 this year.

He wore his service medals anchored to the zipper pocket of the dark blue civilian jacket he wore - and he spoke about his time in the Pacific theatre of war. At the time, the telemovie "The Pacific", co-produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, had just begun screening on Australian television - and we spoke about the accuracy of its depiction.

His chest proudly bore  the Pacific Star, among other wartime ribbons. It is the second medal from the left, in the first of these images. I thanked him for being so generous with his time - and when we shook hands before he walked on, I thanked him for his service, too.

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON (Image ID: 125-7670)

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