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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

R is for Rust

Rust is more formally known as Iron oxide, but that makes it sound so dull in the ears of a hobby photographer. It is one of the more popular subjects in photography since it has so many aspects, found nearly everywhere and can be photographed in 1 million+ different ways. Here are five of them. Above is a rusty welding point.

This is from the side of a medium sized (not well maintained) lorry.

I stepped on this iron plate before I saw that it was an excellent subject.

This is from the inside of the hull of an old steamer that is undergoing rehabilitation.

And here is from the edge of a quay (just before sunset).

Maybe I'm getting a bit rusty myself by now.

Today's post is an Entry in round SEVEN of ABC Wednesday, the meme initiated by Denise Nesbitt. For more, you can log on via the ABC site.

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