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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oedipus Rexy

Plight At The Museum

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

You DO recognise this fella, don't you? If you saw the movie "Night At The Museum" and its sequel, then you would remember the antics of the amazing Tyrannosaurus Rex called Rexy.

If you didn't see either of the movies, Rexy was the giant T-Rex skeleton that came alive at night, slaked its thirst at the water fountain and wanted to play "fetch" with the night guard, played by Ben Stiller's character.

Both these shots were taken on a dark table with glass laid over the polished wood - not just because I wanted a contrasting surface to emphasise the skeletal construction of Rexy, but because (as you'll see in the first image) I also wanted an interesting reflection.

Does this bloke really come alive at night? Just ask me tomorrow morning!

Check out the rules at Camera Critters or go to Misty Dawn.

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