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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pier Pressure

Wanna See Me Shake My Tail Feather?

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Cloudy evening. No chance of a blazing sunset. But I can take a shot of a couple of gulls sitting on the pier.

You have no idea how long I sat there with my lens trained on these two birds. I had a very simple idea in mind. I lined up both gulls on the pier pilings, and wondered if I could possibly get a shot of them looking in the same direction, or just looking synchronised.

But these two were not going to co-operate. They could not have been less in synch if they tried. And no, they didn't even try and shake their tail feathers.

Maybe they were just tired of the paparazzi.

Check out the rules at Camera Critters or go to Misty Dawn.

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