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Monday, August 3, 2009

Stare Case

Photographers Are Life’s Translators

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

Sometimes I get asked why I enjoy taking photographs of "ordinary’" sights. I always smile when that happens - because there is really no such thing as an ordinary sight. It’s all in the mind really.

Beauty does not only exist in mountains or lakes. It literally is everywhere - but it depends on what catches our fancy. There is the ability in all of us to see wonder in everyday objects, not just in dewdrop-bedecked cobwebs that look like jewelled tiaras.

Think of the photographer’s role as being akin to that of a translator. I would not be able to understand Swahili, for instance, unless I had someone translating for me. And, along the same line of thought, a photographer can sometimes show you a sight that you might not stop and admire on your own.

So can you guess what I’ve photographed here? It’s simply a staircase. Just a handrail supported by vertical bars. And just a wall. But when you put them together, the sum total of what you see can sometimes be out of the ordinary.

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