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Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Sunday Roast

If You Can't Find Tarzan, Just Call On Jane

This week's interview is with Jane,
who writes the blog Gaston Studio.

Here's the first of the standard questions. Why do you blog?

I started blogging as a means of getting traffic to my retail website, Gaston Studio, but after reviewing many online shop owners and finding that all they did was show what items were in their shop (and I found that boring!), I decided to change tactics completely. I started posting stories from my life and that’s when things took off.

What's the story behind the blog name?

It’s simply the name of my online shop (incorporating my surname) and the way in which I signed up at Blogger! If I had it to do over again, I’d name it Going Places because this can refer to the physical, emotional and spiritual places to which we go.

What is the best thing about being a blogger?

Undoubtedly, the people you "meet" in blogland. I’ve found some wonderful people that I would truly like to meet in person and I can’t think of a better compliment than that. Also, the comments offers an insight into the commentator as to their reaction to posts on which they comment; and, into how they somewhat react to current events.

What key advice would you give to a newbie blogger?

Since I’m still a newbie myself, I can only offer some simple ideas: First, sit down with pen and paper and think about what you want your blog to say about yourself. Second, come up with a name that conveys that idea. And third, be honest with and to your readers.

What is the most significant blog post you've ever read?

Social Angst, which was posted by Snowbrush in 2005. The posts this dear man writes comes from his heart, his soul and his gut; you may not agree with everything he says, but he’ll surely make you think. Mind you now, I haven’t read all of his older posts but Social Angst struck a cord with me immediately upon reading it.

What is the most significant blog post you've ever written?

Young And Ignorant, which I posted in May of this year. The events of this post really taught me many great lessons. Firstly, how important it is to be aware of what’s going on around you, especially when it comes to people and current events. Secondly, although I was certainly aware of racism, it never occurred to me just how much hate there was for other human beings, and I vowed my children would never judge another person by their color or religion. Thirdly, once you’ve become aware, you can trust your instincts. And lastly, to try and make wise choices in life because the choices you make rarely involve only yourself.

Today's Sunday Roast with Jane is the 79th in a weekly series of interviews with bloggers from around the world.

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