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Friday, September 11, 2009

Post Of The Day

Today's joint winners are Cecily with The Striped Shirt; Life With Kaishon with Here's To Kids Who Are Different and Maggie May with Home On The Canals. The other top contenders were Life ... Or A Reasonable Facsimile Thereof with Words Fail Me; James with In Remembrance; Gautami Tripathy with Misty, Dusty; Honey Mommy with Laborious Labor Day; Expat Mum with Don't Judge Me, But ....; Bella Mocha with Getting Up With A Glow and An Indian Summer with Rijuta's Art. Do pay them a visit and leave a comment if you have time.

You can nominate a post too. Just leave a comment here with the URL or link - and tell us the name of the blogger you are nominating. Righty-o, then, it's over to you ....

See my photography at Images Sans Frontiers and Red Bubble.

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