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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

From Dominos to Wolverines
Dominos Pizza CEO David Brandon is stepping down to become the new athletic director at the University of Michigan. Brandon was considered the top choice because these days, Dominos Pizza and Michigan football both make you want to puke.

Dodd & Dorgan
Democrats Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan say they will retire from the Senate this year. They both want to start collecting their pensions before President Obama finishes emptying the treasury.

Flordia Freeze
Record cold temperatures are hitting Florida hard. The orange crop is freezing, tourism is down, and Governor Charlie Crist's perma-tan is in serious danger.

Clothing Sales
Clothing sales fell sharply in December. It's one thing when the bad economy puts people out of a job but when it puts people out of their pants, we've got a problem.

Couric's Editorial
A new USA Today editorial by Katie Couric insists Americans are tough enough to face these rough times. It's a good point, since we've already survived three years of her anchoring the CBS Evening News.

January 6th

1494: The first Mass in the New World is celebrated at La Isabela, Hispaniola. Other than the fact that most of the congregation drank the holy water, and then killed the priests in a pagan sacrific, things went well.

1929: Mother Teresa arrives in Calcutta to begin a her work amongst India's poorest and diseased people. Her choice ruined her chances of being accepted to the Goldman Sachs training program.

1942: Pan American Airlines becomes the first commercial airline to schedule a flight around the world. The first actual flight takes just a bit longer than the current wait on the security line at JFK.

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