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Friday, March 5, 2010

Shoe Tree against an Oregon Sky

I may be stretching the SkyWatch theme here, but I have been meaning to come back to the shoe tree since our trip to Northeast Oregon last month and there was a lovely gray clouded sky that day as a backdrop for this social phenomenon.

Without the sky
 behind it  you would
 be hard pressed
to see these:

Or these:

or these:

We found this Shoe Tree on our drive between Joseph and Imnaha last month. I was in the driver's seat on the way back from Imnaha when I spotted this as we went past and "Whoa!!!" we had to go back for a better look.

Other "shoe trees" are more "famed", more visited, but fewer can possibly be in such an isolated area. Just look up shoe trees or shoes in trees on any search engine to find a number of collections of pictures and just about as many explanations.

Thank you sky for helping to highlight the shoe tree for me.
For more conventional SkyWatches today, visit the SkyWatch home blog and follow the links to skies around the world.

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