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Monday, April 19, 2010

Open Pot Smoking
At this weekend's Hemp Expo at San Francisco's Cow Palace, there were designated areas in the parking lot for smokers to use medical marijuana. Downwind of those areas were dozens even more popular and legal "contact high" sections.

Tea Party Economics
The New York Times and CBS News have published a study showing most of the Tea Party protesters are middle class or richer. It's expected to derail the entire movement, because Lord knows no one should ever listen to successful people.

Air Travel Hell
The Iceland volcano continues to strand thousands of travelers across the world. Cinnabon and Au Bon Pain franchises are taking advantage of the situation by changing their usual markup on all items from 500% to 1,000%.

SF Truancy Fines
San Francisco is considering a new law that would fine truant high school students $100 every time they get caught... because if there's one group of people who really have the big bucks, it's those kids who are cutting school.

Goldman Charges
Goldman Sachs has been charged with double dealing in subprime mortgage mess. Form most investors, it's clear if this is a criminal charge for Goldman or a free commercial.

April 19th

1770: Captain James Cook sights Australia... making him at least somewhat responsible for the Bee Gees.

1960: Students in South Korea hold a nationwide pro-democracy protest against their president Syngman Rhee. Homeroom is canceled.

2005: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is elected Pope Benedict XVI on the second day of the Papal conclave. On the first day, all the Cardinals were added to the Rome Sex Offenders Registry.

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