A Sikh believes in the ten gurus and their teachings, preserved in the Guru Granth Sahib. Male Sikhs use the name Singh (lion) as a surname, and women use the name Kaur (lioness / princess).
My greetings this Saturday go to Mr.Singh, my colleague in Singapore, who used a turban instead of safety helmet when performing his periodical surveys onboard ships. An exemption of the safety procedures, or?
Sikhism stands for truth, reason and devotion to God and therefore rejects all groundless rituals and superstitions. Use of drug, such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco and the like, cut hair and eat meat prepared according to Muslim rituals (halal-closet) is not allowed. Unfaithfulness to his spouse is strictly forbidden. Women and men are considered equal.
Sikhs respect all religions. Sikhism believes that God is traveling in humanity, so to serve humanity is considered to serve God. A Sikh should therefore work for everyones welfare even at the expense of their own lives. He / she will share its revenue with the destitute.
Sikhs will worship only one God, live an honest life and treat all people as equals. They should set aside time for volunteer assistance (seva) to others regardless of religious, cultural and ethnic background, without waiting anything in return. They work hard, live a healthy life with an endless optimism as the basis and combine a spiritual way of life with active participation in work in the community.
Today the Sikh celebrated Vaisakhi in Oslo
(According to the Gregorian Calendar, Vaisakhi falls on April 13 every year and on April 14 once in 36 years. This variation in date is due to the fact that the date of Vaisakhi is reckoned according to the Indian solar calendar and not the lunar calendar.In Sikhism,Vaisakhi is one of the most significant holidays in the Sikh calendar, commemorating the establishment of the Khalsa at Anandpur Sahib in 1699, by the 10th Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh)
If you want to learn more about Sikhism in Norway, go to Sikher,no

While the Sikhs are celebrating Vaisakhi in Oslo, the Spring flowers are ready for the flower boxes in most balconies in Oslo West, and you will find a huge variety at The Grand Plaza
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