In April 2005 I found the possibility to add photos to my blog through Flickr, and in the same month The First YouTube video ever was uploaded at 8:27 PM on Saturday April 23rd, 2005. The video was shot by Yakov Lapitsky at the San Diego Zoo.
The speedy development accelerated.
Today over 2 billion views are registered on YouTube. 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE. The average person spends 15 MINUTES per DAY on YouTube . More video is uploaded to YouTube in 60 days than all 3 major US networks created in 60 YEARS.
In September same year (five years ago) I made some (not so good) experiments on Video-blogging myself, but have never reached any point of competence above pure pre-amateur bad results. Today I more recommend the online communication through the Facetime possibilities both on Mac and iPhone. Try it!
In April 2007 our family bought our last Newspaper, and turned completely into the ITC-age by reading news and all other stuff only on digital media (in addition to watching TV and Radio). At the same time Twitter was chosen as our social networking platform. Follow me @ArneA.

When preparing this post I discovered a website Worldometers where I could follow in real times the population growth on earth. We are now almost 6,881 million persons in the world. The net population growth with more than 100.000 per day, which will give us a total of 9 billion people in 2042. Will my transplanted new organs and pacemaker be operating, and will I still be here, at that time. It is only 32 years ahead.
32 years ago I got my first daughter and was working with computer programming by coding COBOL on Punch Cards with instructions.
We are presently about 2,010 millions Internet users in the world creating more than 500.000 blogposts a day.
If interested in other statistics you can also find out that we have (on global basis) only 15.378 days or about 42 years left til the end of global oil storages. However it is 160 years till the gas reserves are out, and water and wind are still circulating.

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