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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ABC Wednesday--O is for Old

O is for OLD.

When we saw these signs in Edinburgh, it gave us a smile. We are exercising regularly to hopefully avoid being that bent when we are old. Hey wait, depending on your perspective, we ARE already old.

O is for OLDER.

The cathedral at Lincoln is considerably older than we are--well--by several hundred years, though the current amazing structure is not as old as its beginnings shortly after the Norman Invasion.

I have to think really hard about what we have in North America that is that old.
O is for OLDEST. This is the probably the oldest thing we saw while we were in the UK. This is one of the small gateways on Hadrian's Wall, built across the north of England in 122 AD.
ABC Wednesday--now on O for the seventh time. See it here.

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