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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

O is for October in Norway

O is an easy one - October. We all know that it is the tenth month of the year, and if you need any more background, you can read about it in Wikipedia. In Norway one can look upon October as a kind of inverse April - anything can happen. And it does.

One can have summer-like evenings where only the changing colours of the foliage tells one that it is autumn.

If you have access to a still lake or fjord you can see a tremendous expression of colour - twice.

But of course, it gets colder. The cars get dew on the windows.

You may drive into large banks of mist.

You may even experience full winter.

One poor leaf got caught by the snow with a little bit of green left.

And of course there is rain. But a rose is still a rose even when it rains.

Today's post is an Entry in round SEVEN of ABC Wednesday, the meme initiated by Denise Nesbitt. For more, you can log on via the ABC site.

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