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Saturday, July 14, 2007

And I look like... and you look like?

Have you ever wondered what your fellow bloggers look like? Those who don't have pictures of themselves on their blogs

Two instances now have left me seriously questioning the images I form in my head of people I've not met in person.

I've never met the Significant Other's (SO) ex-wife - she lives on the other side of the country and besides, does want really want to dabble in one's SO's previous life - I think not. Nonetheless, I'd formed an image of the lady in question in my head... Wavy, shoulder length mid-brown hair, gentle heart-shaped face, pale freckles, petite... Got that wrong. Long, straight, dark-brown hair, sharp features, oval face, no freckles - nothing at all like what I'd envisaged.

Then a couple of days ago I saw some photos of Caroline on her site. I was convinced I must be at the wrong blog. See, I'd pictured Caroline as tall, blonde, willowy. Got that wrong, didn't I?

Mind you, I will say this, I did have an image of Barbara in my head that was pretty spot on. I feel marginally relieved about that. Though I will, shamefacedly confess, that I had her pitched about ten years older. Erm, sorry, Barbara.

Given that I know many have previously envisaged me completely incorrectly, I'm wondering, for a bit of a laugh, how you might see me. And okay, let's get this straight right at the outset. I am not yellow. I do not have feathers. Well, not often, anyway.

I'm the one with yellow feathers and there's nothing wrong with that!
I never said there was. And anyway, they know what you look like. Your picture's in the side bar.
Does this mean I can't play?
No. It's my blog.
Yeah, but I run things around here.
No, you don't!
Oh yes I do! Wanna fight about it?
Erm...er... those talons you're flexing are pretty sharp....

Sigh, the things one has to tolerate with an alien chicken looking over one's shoulder.

I heard that! Ba-kaaaaaaak! So anyway, given that you know what I look like, whaddayathink she looks like? Huh?


And just in case you've really got it badly wrong, here are some clues....

Ba-kaaaaak! How did Brad get in there...? Perhaps Vanilla's a boy... I'd better take a closer look... EEEEEEEEK!!!

Hmm, yes, well.... And by the way, which celebrities do you look like?

(Apparently I also look like... Salma Hayek, Keirah Knightley, Karolina Kurkova, Jordana Brewster, Marie Bowes Lyon, Sophie Marceau. God, I must be drop dead gorgeous! Ha, ha, ha)

Ha, ha, ha is right. If anyone around here is drop dead gorgeous it is I, Atyllah the Hen, Chicken with Attitude! Ba-kaaaak!

(And a grateful thank you to the creators of Fozzie Bear and Miss Piggy - however else would I have been able to find such tasty images with which to decorate my blog )

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